Board of directors

Our leaders are well-established industry veterans that consist of
seven multi-disciplined professionals accredited with a host of
successful ventures from around the world. They boast a diverse
set of experience and skills aimed to grow Anapaya’s success.

Pascal Rialland, Chair

A long-respected telecom and software industry figure, Pascal Rialland has worked with well-known visionaries such as Sir Richard Branson, Sir Charles Dunstone, and Patrick Drahi. He has demonstrated decades of expert leadership as managing director for SFR-Altice and CEO of Virgin Mobile France, SAP France & Maghreb, and Coverage.

Pascal’s international background enables him to address the needs, challenges, and preferences of global stakeholders. He has led and succeeded in initiatives across North and Central America, Europe, and Israel. Having recently been elected again as chairman of the board, Pascal brings his leadership to Anapaya by identifying opportunities and guiding the company forward towards achieving its ambitious growth objectives.

David Basin

David Basin is a professor of Computer Science at ETH Zurich and was head of the department from 2019-2020. David received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University in 1989 and Habilitation in Computer Science from the University of Saarbrücken in 1996. From 1997 to 2002, he held the chair of software engineering at the University of Freiburg in Germany.

He is the founding director of the ZISC, the Zürich Information Security Center, which he led from 2003-2011. He has been Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (2015-2020) and is Editor-in-Chief of Springer-Verlag’s book series on Information Security and Cryptography. With his extensive knowledge of Information security, software engineering, system verification, validation, and audit, he is a crucial member of Anapaya’s board.

Andreas Meyer

Andreas Meyer is an advisor, mentor, and board member who has been known as SBB’s CEO for 13 years. Andreas Meyer brings extensive experience in digital transformation and managerial and legal aspects to the board. Andreas has worked for global companies like ABB as a legal counsel and project manager and as general manager for Deutsche Babcock Group and the Deutsche Bahn Group in the energy and mobility business.

Andreas’ background and understanding of the inner workings of critical infrastructures throughout Europe offer unique insights into future opportunities for the company. His experience has highlighted areas where SCION could perform an essential role in ensuring public assets remain operational and secure from cyberattacks. He will further guide Anapaya’s impact on critical infrastructure projects where SCION can transform their approach to connectivity.

Peter Müller

Since August 2008, Peter Müller has been a computer science and software component technology professor at ETH Zürich. In 1991, he started his studies in Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich, and from 1996 to 2001, he worked on his Ph.D. at the Technical University Munich and the University of Hagen.

Before joining ETH, Peter Müller worked as an IT project manager at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt. From June 2007 to July 2008, he held a position as Researcher at Microsoft, Redmond. His research focuses on languages, techniques, and tools for the development of correct software.

“Our techniques and tools let developers see that their code behaves as designed. By applying these to Anapaya’s SCION implementation, we ensure it goes far beyond competing solutions.”

Adrian Perrig

Adrian Perrig received his BSc in Computer Engineering from EPFL in 1997 and completed his PhD in 2001 at Carnegie Mellon University. He spent three years during his PhD working with his advisor, Doug Tygar, at the University of California, Berkeley. From 2002 to 2012, he was an Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, and Computer Science Professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

From 2007 to 2012, he served as the technical director for Carnegie Mellon’s CyLab. During this time, he built a research project aimed at building a next-generation secure internet architecture. The project was later renamed SCION (Scalability, Control, and Isolation On Next-generation Networks). Since 2013, he has been a Professor at ETH Zurich, leading the Network Security Group, whose research revolves around building secure and robust network systems.

Perrig has worked on securing routing protocols in ad-hoc networks. His papers on “Ariadne” and “Packet Leashes” have had a lasting impact on the scientific community with over 7000 citations.

Olaf Swantee

Olaf Swantee has extensive experience in the telecommunications sector. He was CEO of Sunrise Communications. Prior to that, he was CEO of EE, the UK’s No. 1 network. Before EE, Olaf held a number of senior positions at France Telecom (now Orange Group), Hewlett-Packard, and Compaq Computer and Digital Equipment. He is Chairman of Mobilezone, a company listed on the Swiss stock exchange, and a non-executive director at Vodafone.

Olaf’s decision to join the board of Anapaya is guiding the company’s Go-to-Market strategy. Validating the fact that the SCION technology is aligned with today’s telecommunication industry requirements, Olaf believes that “Anapaya has the potential to revolutionize communications around the world.”

Gonpo Tsering

Gonpo Tsering has in-depth global experience in IT, marketing, finance, M&A, and managing large projects. He was on the Executive Board of DKSH for over a decade. Also, he has served as Vice Chairman of Orell Füssli and chairman of Maurice Lacroix and Bovet. He sits on the board of several companies, such as Cysec, SafeHouse Technologies, and Dizmo.

Gonpo has repeatedly identified promising tech start-ups and accelerated their internationalization for foreign markets. Today, he is a significant private equity investor not only in Europe but also in Asia and guides Anapaya towards achieving its global business objectives in a profitable and sustainable way.