Beyond disruption: Delving into the far-reaching effects of the surging DDoS attacks

Author. Patrick Bollhalder     Jun 22, 2023
Beyond disruption: Delving into the far-reaching effects of the surging DDoS attacks

Switzerland has recently experienced a disturbing series of cyberattacks that shook its digital landscape. Starting with an attack on Xplain – a Swiss IT firm providing services to several federal agencies on May 23, and subsequently, on June 12, several websites belonging to the Federal Administration were rendered temporarily unavailable, causing significant disruptions. 

This wave of attacks also affected the portals of various cities, as well as powerful platforms such as SBB, Geneva Airport, and Switzerland Tourism. To compound the damage, hackers went a step further and brazenly published stolen data from the Federal Administration on the darknet, amplifying the already profound impact of these attacks.

These incidents highlight the growing threat of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, a favored weapon of cybercriminals seeking to disrupt online services and inflict financial and reputational harm on their targets. The aftermath of these attacks serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for organizations to understand and calculate the business impact of DDoS attacks and take proactive measures to protect their networks against them.

Beyond the inconvenience and frustration caused by disrupted services, these attacks can have severe implications for businesses and governments alike. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the financial impact of downtime caused by DDoS attacks, why organizations must take them seriously, and how they can protect themselves.

Understanding DDoS attacks

At its core, a DDoS attack is an attempt to take down a website, online service, or network by flooding it with malicious traffic. Hackers can launch these attacks using multiple compromised devices such as routers or through a botnet – a network of computers infected with malicious code and controlled by the attacker.

When these compromised devices, also known as bots or zombies, are used to bombard the target with an overwhelming amount of traffic, the resources needed to process and respond to all these requests are quickly exhausted. As a result, legitimate requests from real users can’t be processed, leading to downtime.

The primary objective of DDoS attacks is to cause disruption by making websites, services, or networks unavailable. But this is only the tip of the iceberg; downtime affects organizations in multiple ways. Depending on the scale and complexity of the attack, its effects can have far-reaching repercussions that go beyond mere inconvenience.

It’s worth noting that DDoS attacks are not limited to websites and networks. They can also target critical infrastructure such as power grids, traffic control systems, and phone networks. To execute such attacks, hackers exploit vulnerabilities in the targeted infrastructure or gain access through unsecured devices connected to the network.

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process of DDoS attacks:

1. Target identification Hackers identify a vulnerable target or system and start gathering information about the targeted infrastructure, such as IP addresses, open ports, etc.
2. Botnet creation Attackers assemble a network of compromised devices, often through malware infections or exploiting vulnerabilities.
3. Command and Control (C&C) The botnet is controlled by the attacker, who issues commands to direct the attack.
4. Reconnaissance Attackers use sophisticated techniques such as port scanning and packet sniffing to identify weaknesses in the target’s infrastructure.
5. Coordinated attack The botnet simultaneously bombards the target with a massive volume of traffic, overwhelming its resources.
6. Attack amplification Attackers may employ amplification techniques, utilizing legitimate services to generate an even larger traffic volume.


Even though the end goal of a DDoS attack is always to overwhelm the system, the means to achieve the goal can differ substantially. Common types of DDoS attacks include:

Volumetric attacks: These are the most common type of DDoS attack and involve flooding the target with a massive volume of data packets. The goal is to overwhelm its resources and disrupt services. Examples include UDP floods, ICMP floods, and DNS amplification attacks.

Application-layer attacks: These attacks target the application layer of a network, aiming to exhaust server resources or exploit application vulnerabilities. Examples include HTTP floods, Slowloris attacks, and SQL injection attacks.

Protocol-based attacks: These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the network’s protocols, such as TCP, IP, and ICMP. Common examples include SYN floods, Ping floods, and Smurf attacks.

Finally, why do hackers launch DDoS attacks in the first place? The motive behind such attacks can often be political, social, or ideological. In some cases, however, they may have financial goals – hackers may extort organizations by demanding payment to stop the attack or use DDoS attacks as a smokescreen for other malicious activities such as data theft or fraud.

The business impact of DDoS attacks

Downtime caused by DDoS attacks can have an immediate, negative effect on businesses. Depending on the scale and complexity of the attack, its effects can range from temporary disruptions to long-term damage. Understanding the financial implications of downtime is essential for organizations to take the necessary measures to protect their networks.

Immediate financial losses

First and foremost, DDoS attacks cause direct financial losses due to lost business opportunities. When a website or online service is rendered unavailable, organizations lose out on potential revenue. This includes direct sales, online transactions, and ad revenue. The longer the downtime, the greater the financial impact.

In addition, responding to a DDoS attack requires significant resources and staff power. Organizations may need to allocate funds for incident response teams, cybersecurity experts, and the deployment of DDoS mitigation solutions. Additionally, post-attack recovery efforts, including system restoration and infrastructure upgrades, can add to the financial burden.

Long-term financial repercussions

Beyond the immediate impact, DDoS attacks often have long-term financial consequences that affect organizations in multiple ways. For instance, the reputation of the targeted organization may take a hit due to customer dissatisfaction or negative press coverage. This can undermine customer confidence in the security of their personal information and thus erode the company’s market share.

Furthermore, organizations that are victims of DDoS attacks may face legal issues, as data breaches and other malicious activities often trigger compliance violations, leading to fines, penalties, and legal battles.

Finally, DDoS attacks can be a precursor to other types of cyber threats, such as data theft or ransomware. In such cases, the financial losses may be even greater, as organizations may need to invest in additional cybersecurity measures and incident response teams.

While the indirect costs of a successful attack may be less visible at first than the immediate financial losses, they are no less significant. The full extent of the damage done by a DDoS attack may take weeks or even months to surface.

Calculating the cost of downtime

When estimating the cost of downtime caused by DDoS attacks, organizations should take into account the following factors:

Duration of the attack

The length of time a business remains offline or experiences service disruptions directly impacts the financial losses. Longer attack durations result in greater revenue loss and increased incident response and recovery expenses. Organizations should consider the duration from the moment the attack starts until normal operations are fully restored.

Number of affected systems or websites

If multiple systems, websites, or services are targeted simultaneously, the financial impact will be amplified. Organizations with interconnected systems may experience cascading effects, with outages in one system leading to disruptions in other parts of the network. It is important to assess the financial losses of each affected system and calculate their total cost.

Revenue generated during normal operations

Before estimating the financial losses, organizations need to have a clear understanding of their typical revenue during normal operations. This will enable them to quantify the direct financial impact of downtime caused by a DDoS attack. 

By comparing the revenue loss during an attack to the expected revenue during normal operations, organizations can assess the severity of the impact. It is crucial to consider the specific revenue streams that may be affected, such as direct sales, online transactions, advertising income, etc. 

Finally, it is important to note that the cost of DDoS attacks goes beyond financial losses. At the very least, these incidents can cause anxiety and stress among employees, leading to reduced productivity and morale.

Mitigating the risk and minimizing the impact

Stopping an active DDoS attack is no easy task, as attackers can continually change strategies and tools to evade traditional defenses. This is why it’s essential to take a preemptive approach.

Implementing robust cybersecurity measures

This is the first step in mitigating the risk of DDoS attacks. Every system and network should be secured by a combination of technical, administrative, and physical security controls. This involves patching vulnerabilities, monitoring for suspicious activities, and regularly testing for weaknesses.

Continuous network monitoring and traffic analysis for signs of malicious activity are essential to quickly detect and counter DDoS attacks. By leveraging intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), organizations can identify abnormal traffic patterns and quickly respond to potential attacks.

Additionally, developing a comprehensive incident response plan is another key component of DDoS preparation. This document should include predefined roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, and steps for mitigating and recovering from an attack.

Finally, organizations should collaborate with internet service providers (ISPs) and DDoS protection services to enhance their defenses against attacks. ISPs can help filter out malicious traffic before it reaches the organization’s network, while DDoS protection services provide specialized expertise and technologies to mitigate attacks effectively.

Building resilience through redundancy and backup systems

Organizations should also consider investing in redundant systems and networks that can take over from the primary infrastructure in case of a DDoS attack. Having multiple backup systems in place can reduce the impact of downtime and ensure business continuity.

Similarly, it is important to develop comprehensive backup strategies in order to restore critical systems and data quickly. This involves regularly backing up information on multiple sources, such as local disks, cloud storage services, or external hard drives.

Educating employees and raising awareness about DDoS attacks

Employee awareness and training are essential components of a successful DDoS prevention strategy. All staff should be educated about the risks these attacks pose and the steps they should take to protect their systems and data.

Organizations should also proactively raise awareness about DDoS attacks among customers, vendors, and partners. This can be done by publishing informative blog posts, newsletters, or social media campaigns highlighting the dangers of DDoS attacks and the importance of cyber security. Encouraging a culture of information sharing and awareness can go a long way in helping organizations better prepare for and respond to these incidents.

Strengthening network defense with Anapaya's SCION technology

As the threat of various cyberattacks, including DDoS attacks, continues to grow, standard security solutions are becoming increasingly ineffective. To protect their organizations from these incidents, businesses must take a more comprehensive approach.

Anapaya's secure networking solution, SCION (Scalability, Control, and Isolation on Next-generation Networks), provides a solid foundation for organizations to protect their critical infrastructure from malicious activities. SCION offers a number of key features that enable organizations to mitigate the risks and minimize the impact of cyberattacks, including inherent protection against DDoS attacks through its design principles.

SCION's path-aware networking architecture ensures that traffic is routed efficiently and securely, preventing attackers from overwhelming the network and causing disruption. By leveraging secure paths and isolation mechanisms, SCION could effectively separate legitimate traffic from malicious traffic, mitigating the impact of a range of cyber threats, including DDoS attacks, man-in-the-middle, and other types of network attacks.

Moreover, SCION's end-to-end encryption and authentication capabilities provide an additional layer of security, ensuring that data transmitted over the network remains secure. By incorporating multiple security functionalities into a single solution, SCION simplifies the security landscape and offers organizations a comprehensive defense against cyber threats.

Anapaya GATE, powered by SCION technology, is a next-generation networking solution that further enhances network defense. With Anapaya GATE, organizations can take their critical services, such as websites and VPN endpoints, off the standard internet path, effectively eliminating traditional network vulnerabilities. By doing so, they can safeguard their online services and protect them from DDoS attacks and other cyber threats.

By hiding critical services from the Internet, Anapaya GATE provides a secure and dedicated corner of the Internet specifically designed for critical infrastructure. This approach allows organizations to reach their customers while effectively preventing attacks from abroad, providing seamless connectivity without compromising security.

Adopting Anapaya's SCION technology and solutions like Anapaya GATE reduces reliance on traditional security solutions, fortifies defense systems, and strengthens the organization's ability to protect its critical infrastructure from cyber threats, including DDoS attacks. To learn more about Anapaya's secure network solutions and how they can help your organization better protect against cyberattacks, book a meeting with us today.




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